Sunday, February 27, 2011


I guess that I have already failed, but that's alright. I'm getting back up and trying again.

Today was the Polar Bear Plunge, it was a fundraiser for the Special Olympics...I really wanted to jump in, but I was told not to by my mother. It is a little crazy that I was totally prepared to jump into a frozen lake in a bikini in front of a couple hundred people, but such is life. Well, such is my life. I'll see if I can get some pictures and post them, although, I haven't figured this site out entirely yet. 

You know what's weird? I'm convincing myself to be totally honest with the internet. And I say the internet because I don't think there is anyone out there yet....if you are, please tell me and I will apologize for that whole not believing you exist thing.... :)
Anywho, I was going somewhere with that being honest thing....Ah, yes I remember. I used to lie to my diaries, like if I missed a couple days (or, just between you and I, months) i would right down some excuse. None of that here, I promise.

Then again, we have seen how honorable my promises are....

pax vobiscum

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